Another Jamberry Giveaway? It’s a Christmas Miracle!


It’s really not a miracle; Chelley and I have been planning this for a few weeks now. My favorite (and only!) Jamberry consultant was kind enough to send me a half sheet of the absolutely gorgeous Poinsettia wrap to try out and review. And because it’s the season of giving, we wanted to give all of you an opportunity to try out this jam-azing* wrap! Rules for the giveaway will be at the end of this post. I’m doing it that way so that you have to at least scroll through my review to get to the really good stuff!

Here's a reminder of what Poinsettia looks like in the package!

Here’s a reminder of what Poinsettia looks like in the package!

Before I even put this wrap on my nails, I noticed that, depending on the angle from which you are viewing the wrap, the dominant color shifts. These are classic Christmas colors: red, green, and silver, but from one angle, I feel the main color looks red, and from another angle the main color looks to be silver. It’s a really neat effect both in the package and on my nails.

Christmas exploded on my nails. In a good way.

Christmas exploded on my nails. In a good way.

On my nails from the angle I was able to get this particular photograph (Thanks iPhone camera!), Poinsettia looks to be a print of the Christmas flower in red with a green geometric accent on a backdrop of glittery silver. These wraps are slightly different and new to me because they seem to have a more foil back than other Jamberry wraps I’ve used. Chelley kindly advised me to use a bit more heat when applying these, and that tip helped a lot. With the extra heat, the wraps went on smoothly and easily. I’ve been doing a few tugs once I get the wrap where I want it on the nail to keep it from bubbling before I trim the ends, and I’m finding I also get better results with that technique. I’m still a hot application girl. I actually heated the wraps with the space heater that I’m currently sitting next to, so have no fear if you don’t have a Jamberry heater yet; space heaters are just as effective. But if you want a Jamberry heater, maybe you should click Chelley’s name at the top of the post and request to host a party? Insert winky face emoji here.

So, you want the rules of the giveaway, right? Have a few more pictures first.

Look at my Jammified nails while I lovingly type this post for you!

Look at my Jammified nails while I lovingly type this post for you!

Look at my nails by my Christmas tree!

Look at my nails by my Christmas tree!

Look at just my Christmas tree! And yes, we have a Rangers Santa hat for a tree topper. Jealous?

Look at just my Christmas tree! And yes, we have a Rangers Santa hat for a tree topper. Jealous?

And here's the money shot. I just happened to have ornaments that match. Jealous?

And here’s the money shot. I just happened to have ornaments that match. Jealous?


1. Find your mobile phone

2. Open Instagram

3. Touch the little searchy magnifying glass at the bottom left of the screen

4. Type in MichelleSchoellerJam

5. Find that last picture in her feed (the money shot, or should I say “The Giveaway Shot?”) If you do it tonight, it’ll probably be the first picture in her feed. If you wait, you might have to look for it!

6. Double tap that photo! Like it, really like it!

7. In the comments, tag a friend who hasn’t tried Jamberry (or has if you somehow don’t have any friends who haven’t tried Jamberry!)

8. You have until Thursday, December 11th at 10 pm! We’ll draw the winner a week from today at 10:30 pm. We want you to get this fab wrap before Christmas. The winner will get the half sheet of the Poinsettia wrap, and the friend you tag will get an accent sheet!

9. What if you don’t have Instagram? You should get an Instagram! But if you really don’t want to do that, you can leave a comment here with your name and the name of your friend, and you can enter that way!

Easy peasy!

I am super excited to do another giveaway! I’m super excited to have Christmas colors on my nails. And it didn’t take forever, and my living room doesn’t stink like nail polish. I was so excited to get this posted that I haven’t even done my right hand yet. I’m going to do that now. Good luck, and Jam on!

*I can’t take credit for “jam-azing.” I’m pretty sure Chelley coined that one!

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